Sunday, August 17, 2014

Back on Track

This week I got back on track, although I did miss yoga due to some meetings a work. I was annoyed at first that I missed yoga, but it actually worked out because I needed some extra rest. I've slept so much and it has been wonderful. Friday night I actually slept thirteen and a half hours.

So, here's the rundown of my runs:

Monday: 5:15am  2.5miles 35:27  Animal Sighting: A scary fox

     This wasn't a fun run at all. I was nauseous and threw up and dry heaved at mile .54 and 2.13. How do I know the times? Well, because I had to stop my Garmin-haha! I didn't want vomiting to mess up my time.

Friday: 5:15am  2.5miles 32:22  Animal sighting: Two bunnies

     When I opened my front door to leave, a bunch of freaking bats went crazy and I screamed. I woke up Matt and probably the whole damn neighborhood.  I felt pretty good during my run and even shaved a few minutes off my time from Monday's run.

Sunday: 7am  4miles 57:17 Animal sightings: Laughing birds

     Urgh, this wasn't a good run. I should point out that when I run, all I do is think about running. I don't think about any problems or issues I might be having or how I can solve world hunger. I'm constantly thinking about my stride, my body, my time, my distance, my next interval, if I hurt etc.
     My first two miles were ok, I noticed my shin hurting, but ignored it. I got to Lake Benson (my halfway point) found a bench and sat on it for like ten minutes. I think I was just frustrated bc I felt slow, heavy and out of shape. I was walking during my running intervals and I HATE doing that. I'm pretty good at psyching myself up, but all I had were negative, self hating thoughts floating about my head. I walked the last two miles in defeat and I swear the birds were taunting and laughing at me. Bastard birds.

I definitely think I have to work on self confidence. I have a lot of work ahead of me with losing weight and half marathon training for the Manchester City Marathon. I get overwhelmed, frustrated, angry, depressed, and anxious thinking about losing weight, but I also realize how much I'm changing to better myself. I didn't gain weight overnight and I'm not going to lose it overnight.

Matt was nice enough to hang up my new training boards in the kitchen. It has my training schedule, my weekly schedule, dinner and some other fun things. I love it!


  1. I feel for ya honey... "Try try TRY" not to be so hard on yourself!
    I'm facing a challenge myself: if I want to go on this trip of a lifetime to Costa Rica @ the end of Feb, I've gotta peel off 20 lbs (by any means necessary, but I'm trying Ye Olde Standbys of diet/exercise for the 12,000th time!)
    Their ponies, their rules - see my latest SP post for details.

  2. Hi Jen! I just found your blog following the hashtag #runningblog on Instagram (they are pretty useful some times)!!! The thing is that I love your blog now and how honest you are with the little running blattles that eime have training every week! You've got a new follower :)
