Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Bit Of An Update

The past couple weeks have been a bit rough bc I've been super tired and just feeling all around blah. I decided to get my thyroid checked and it was up to a 5, so I'm hypothyroid....again. It explains the fatigue, the weight gain and my all around evilness. 

Last week I finally finished Matt's blanket and I think it came it out well. It is very warm and washes well. I'm working on one for my friend's baby as well. 

This week we got some snow, which is pretty rare in the Raleigh area. Matt worked hard to get our driveway and such cleared of snow and ice.

When we got to work, we headed out and worked on clearing a path for our patients. Angie shoveled and I supervised-haha! 

This past weekend, Julie, Kelli and I headed to lunch and pedi. It was an overdue Christmas outing for ourselves. I really needed a pedicure since I haven't had mine done before the Marshall Marathon, so they were still green. 

Sunday was the Puppy Bowl and the Superbowl. The Puppy Bowl was more exciting than the actual Superbowl and the commercials combined. It was pretty disappointing, and not just cause the Pats weren't in it.

Jager was exhausted after licking our taco dip bowls that night. He continued to lay with Matt for the  next few nights like that. It was pretty cute.


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