Sunday, February 21, 2016

Are You UnMotivated?

It was a rough week, not even going to lie. Work was insane, we had to cancel our DC trip, and I'm 100% unmotivated to do anything except lie on the couch. It's tough when all my friends and family are so motivated in at least one aspect in their life. So, I decided that I'm going to do a series of blog about people who are totally UNMOTIVATED and need support. So, I'm going to ask some people who are super unmotivated, interview them, and have them discuss their goals and then check in on them every three months or so. I'll include their social media links, that way other people can follow and support them along the way. Are you interested? Let me know!

Matt's birthday was this weekend and unfortunately, I was in a bit of a mood. We did have some fun though, we brought the dogs to the park, played some video games (seriously, how do people play these video games without feeling sick? I was nauseated for HOURS!) and got take-out. We had fun at the park because it was almost seventy degrees out! It really tired Sammy out, so that was a HUGE plus! 

I do have a treat for everyone because I'll be interviewing my uncle, Peter, about his weight loss soon. I hope his story will inspire you and get your motivated....hell, I hope it will get me moving! He lives up in NH and is working out in the cold, so I really have no excuse! Plus, I have two races rapidly approaching in April and haven't barely walked a step, let alone run. I am hoping to get my knee drained on Friday, but that is still no excuse to stop working out and eat like crap, right? 

Here's to a great week! Hang in there! 


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