I've been warming up by walking our dogs and I think they have been loving that!
Saturday, Matt dropped me off at Lake Benson for my first run since my half two months ago. I went super easy (3 minutes walking, 1 minutes of running) and ran my favorite part of the lake. I felt great out there and I liked just move again. I ran/walked it 29:11, my goal was under thirty minutes, so I was happy with my time. I hate selfies by myself, so here's a super fake smile for you!
Today, I met Rachel at Shelley Lake and we were lucky because we missed the storms. We headed out and did the same intervals as I did yesterday. We did two easy miles. For the record, our time would be AT LEAST two minutes faster but two things happened:
- I saw deer and wanted to take their picture
- We had to run thru geese AND f*&king seagulls and I had to run with my eyes closed while Rachel ran and tried to scare them away. I'm absolutely terrified of birds. I didn't cry running thru the birds for the first time ever. F*&k you, birds!
Can you see the deer in the last one?
So, all and all it was a fun and active weekend! I'm looking forward to hot yoga this week and get in a run or two. I'm taking everything nice and easy because I don't want to get injured or get burnt out. I'm really enjoying my new routine!
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